My Trip into Hellhole Canyon – A piece about goal setting for ultimate success

My Trip into Hellhole Canyon – A piece about goal setting for ultimate success

Goal setting can be self-sabotaging if not done carefully and mindfully.  My much-needed solo trip to the desert ended up filled with valuable lessons about that. I hope my story sheds some light on this very important concept.  It easily applies to those of you looking to set healthcare goals or major life changes. 

The Autoimmune-Gut Connection

The Autoimmune-Gut Connection

It is important to understand one major concept regarding autoimmunity: no one is born with an autoimmune disease. People are often born with a genetic propensity to develop a disease, but it tends to be factors in that person’s life that turn autoimmunity on. In this article, I explain more about autoimmunity, what impacts this unfortunate condition, and what can be done to ease the symptoms.

Let's Talk about Sex (Hormones)! New Podcast Interview with Vegan Danielle

Let's Talk about Sex (Hormones)! New Podcast Interview with Vegan Danielle

I was recently asked back as a returning guest on Vegan Danielle’s podcast to discuss sex hormones and the underlying conditions that can impact hormone activity.  If you are having concerns about things like hot flashes, menstrual irregularity, low libido, depression, or erectile dysfunction to name a few, have a listen to this podcast to get some of your questions answered. 

Short-Chain Fatty Acids: A New Tool for Systemic Inflammation

Short-Chain Fatty Acids:  A New Tool for Systemic Inflammation

To continue the conversation about probiotics and gut health, I dive deeper to explain what short chain fatty acids do and how they impact our overall health.