preventative medicine

Autoimmunity: Early Detection Can Change Your Future

Autoimmunity: Early Detection Can Change Your Future

There is a good chance you will find some degree of autoimmunity in any random person off the street - one out of five Americans currently suffer from autoimmune disease.  Their immune system loses the ability to determine self tissues from non-self tissues and launch deliberate attacks against them.  This can come in many forms such as diabetes, multiple sclerosis, or rheumatoid arthritis, to name a few. Some simple tests can help you stop or slow the progression.  If you have concerns about your status or have a family history of autoimmune disease, this article is for you!

Leaky Gut Syndrome... I'm leaking from where now?!

Leaky Gut Syndrome... I'm leaking from where now?!

Is anyone else out there fascinated with the colon… Or is it just me? And why on Earth would I want to talk about “Leaky Gut Syndrome” anyway? It is a rather eloquently named pathology don't you think? Contrary to the graphic image that it hints towards, Leaky Gut Syndrome does not have anything to do with that synthetic fat substitute that came out in the 80’s which caused anal leakage. I suppose that would be called "Leaky Butt Syndrome." Leaky Gut Syndrome is much more dangerous than that. And here’s why: